Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'd Commit History Suicide.
My stomachaches aren't going away.
Just because i'm not dwelling doesnt mean its not there.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Plug In and Press Play.
I grew up listening to music that i found suitable to my needs, just as we all do as we develop our own likes and dislikes. It became almost a vice that i would run back to in times of need, distress, angst, sadness or even happiness. The reason i became so transfixed was because of my steadfast commitment to the feeling of connection i developed between the sound traveling through my ears, and the message the author was sending. Moreover (a term my cousin likes to abuse), this connection became a type of therapy. Not to sit and complain about past instances but this relationship i had formed was my means of coping.
My experience would confine me pleasantly in my own existence, subtracting everything save my emotions, my headphones and the music. I would literally become happily alone. Not that this was a means of getting away from my problems, but quite the contrary, it was a means for me to sort, categorize, and develop strategies that would help me alleviate the problems that would be plaguing me.
Through this connection i developed with music i conquered some of the most devastating issues i have ever experienced, as an example when I was traveling south on the ontario northland buslines to visit my ailing grandmother and i received the call that she had passed and that i was never was able to say my goodbyes, i quietly put on my headphones, turned on some dashboard and cried. Music took me away from the evident problems i was facing, and replaced it with nothing but pure, uncorrupted emotion. I cried just that once about her passing and never again. I didn't need to. Music helped me develop the strong, rock of an emotional self i wasn't aware i owned. My connection was a way to deal with the weight of the world, and break it down into sections and deal with it individually.
Although im aware i still have my deep problems as does everyone else, my connection with music helped stablize the self that i am developing. Hopefully with this, Albert Camus would believe this to be a proper act of self-love...
Then, on one late fall day (the reasons i remember this will remain my own) i had, recognizably, my last connection with music.
I love now in a unique way, mostly void of anything other then her and our profound connection.
I cry now during the consumption of booze, or the times i pick up my mothers book.
I revel in the depressed manner that helps me cheer up almost never. Maybe less because of my loss of Music, and moreso with the concept of growing up and growing older.
I miss now, in a means that makes me write, and less in ways that make me seek solitude.
This is why i feel i have lost my connection with music. I dont believe it is lost forever, because i scratch the surface from time to time listening to songs like "Echo", "Let Go", and "Bubbly" although i feel like, in a manner of speaking, i'm passing it on unknowingly.
I believe that my art is not lost, but being formulated now in a way that will forever be a means of overcoming, and rejoicing. I believe, as i'm writing, that this will be a gift i hope to pass on to my children. From my soul to theres. I believe my better-half has this same understanding and connection with music as i do, which gives me no doubt that they will have SOME relationship with the one thing we can relate over even after i pass... Music.
A good friend of mine once said, 'after i pass i'll miss only one thing... the songs i'll never hear.' I wish i had a repsonse in which to give him some sort of comfort. Although i now believe that his connection with music wont be short lived, but through his children, and theirs, there will remain that everchanging, everpresent connection with beautiful music.
Therefore i guess with this... i'm more happy then sad. By hoping that one day my children might throw on a set of headphones, relax and be removed from all that troubles them.
Here's to hoping, Cheers.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hi, My Names Nathan. Nice To Meet You
... and then, as quickly as those thoughts enter my head they leave. They leave because you just entered the room. You drop your bag, you toss your keys on the table, you let out a sigh of relief because your finally home.
Ants in your pants plays in its low-quality way just loudly enough for you to hear it. I grab your hand, kiss your cheek and ask you to dance. I think of my heart smiling, i'll think its all been worth it.
So this, this is my introduction. I'd like to introduce myself to this feeling. This feeling of knowing im finished looking, im finished with feelings of hopelessness in thinking no one could understand my moods, my habits, or my understandings.
This isnt just love, its perfection. Its perfection with faults, scuffs and scratches. This is me saying that i love it the way it is, and this is what makes me happy. This is what keeps me interested and attentive.
So Hello, Nice to Meet You.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Here's To People I've Never Met.
"And lo and behold there we were about five Germans, and maybe four or five of us, and we didn't give any thought whatsoever to fighting at first... Then i realized that they had their rifles, we had ours and then shells were landing and we were cowering against the side of the ditch, the Germans were doing the same thing. And then the next thing you know, there was a lull, we took cigarettes out we passed 'em around, we were smoking and it's a feeling i cannot describe , but it was a feeling that this was not the time to be shooting at one another....They were human beings, like us, they were just as scared."
This is why i dont find myself so detached from what i read. Here is why i love history. Hopefully you understand.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
It's Like Falling In Love When You're Ten.
The eldest part of me screams quite loudly, Be Realistic Nathan! Love is hardships, love's getting through the tough times and coming out on top, Loves eating on the floor together because you cant afford a table yet. God, i feel like im struggling to get what i have to say out on paper right now...
maybe, quite simply, im aware that realistically, love isnt the same in real life the way it is in the movies. Maybe it's knowing this which is consitantly distorting my perception of love.
Although I still, fight constantly to hold onto that feeling. I know she makes me feel the flare, the lights, the action.
I've grown up, basing my life on this fabricated concept. It's like that moment where you realize santa isnt real.. and you take a breath, knowing full well this isn't very shocking news, because you always had the impression that it was like this, but the sight of your mother signing, "from santa" kills that little bit of childhood innocence one always claws at, and refuses to let go.
Fuck, i almost feel apathetic... this all originally stemmed from a simple line my professor explained today during class. He explained, in complete harsh reality, as if to EMPHASISE the realism, not the pessimism, that at one point, eventually, everything you love will die.
For some reason, maybe the lack of sleep, the coffees i had choked back in order to keep myself awake, or the numbness of six hours of lecture straight caused me to get teary eye'd at this notion, at this concept this man felt completely at ease with unleashing upon a class of ill-prepard students.
To think, everything I hold closest... everything that I love, or believed to have once loved or will eventually love is, in the most honest way, tempral. You, reading this right now, think about what you love most. Don't you feel almost cheated? I think what really killed me about this theory is when he spoke about our children.
He explained, when you're sitting there, holding your new born son or daughter in your hands, the one thing you're supposed to love absolutely... unconditionally... with all of your soul... they will eventually, for one reason or another, pass away.
Yes, this is me finally dealing with death, this is my hatred, this is my bitterness, this is my complete and utter disdain for death. In every single selfish aspect i could possibly concieve of... death is cheating me... its stealing from me, its hurting me intentionally. So where does Hollywood, Captial L Love play into this?
It's my way of fighting back. It's my way of getting one thing out of my life that death can't take from me. You want to see Love as a weapon? Well here it is, in all of its glory.
I'll hold onto my nieve love, I'll hold onto my Capital L Love. I'll hold onto something so completely tempral that i'll take solece in the fact that no matter what, its the one thing death cant take from me, and even if it could, as long as i experianced it, it wouldn't matter. I have still already won.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Deep Breath
Please.. help me.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Art And Pornography.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Trite: A Word I've Never Used <3
No, i shouldnt have to have you around in order to feel comfortable. But its not the social, physical type of satisfying dependency. It's the fact that its taken me twenty years to experience what love is. It's taken me this long to find out what i've been missing. Even still this may seem like mind-numbing repetitiveness... but to me it means more. It's a coming of age, its a right of passage, its me with you. It's me with the one i love, it's me with the one that means the most to me. It's me being able to rub your hip as you fall asleep, its being being able to kiss your head and feel your breath on my chest. Its the excited feeling i get every time i know im going to be seeing you again. Its the spark that i feel is stronger now then when we first met. It's the best friend i'll be missing, it's the kiss i'll be wishing for, it's the hug that i'll be waiting for. It's you. It's all you.
Yeah i know, its for about a week and a bit, suck it up, i know, i know. I needed to vent this out on paper though, i've been thinking about it all day and it made the day crawl by.
So, i guess what im trying to say is... i'll give you an "n" if you'll give me an "e". Im going to miss you sweetheart.
MAN im slacking in album reviews... i promise i'll have three done soon enough, one on the way/during/returning from halifax. Hopefully two more by the end of summer.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sirens Song From My Guitar Gives Me Too Much Credit.
I will make you happy, i will do my best, i will try my hardest, ill always be there, i love you.
I hate making you cry. But when you do i try and hide my smiling because i fall a little more in love with you each time.
I like the nights we dont function so well. It makes this seem real, it makes us seem real. It makes me remember that this isnt something temporary, this is real, you're real.
I feel completely lost when you're not around. Unless im at work, life isnt normal unless you're there too.
These are my sappy comments. This is how im feeling right now.
I PROMISE i'll have another critique soon for an album, im thinking of a few i was just lent from a friend. It'll be here soon.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Iron and Wine
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I've got to get back to my mindset where the only change that can occur to me and my body will come from my ability to actually get up and start doing something again. Seems pretty easy, but for some reason the hardest part for me isnt keeping up routine, its actually getting the routine started. When the rain stops, i believe i'll start going for morning runs. This might be killing two birds with one stone because i seem to be horribly grumpy every morning now for some reason. I believe its just a side-effect of working at satans workshop. I can stick it out, just a month and a half nathan, 30 days roughly and it'll be over. I can do this.
I just read the book "The perks of being a wallflower." This book kinda shook me in a few different ways. From what i was told by athena, and a few other people the next day, the book is considered the "bible for emo-kids." I kind of took that to heart when i started reading it. There are a few parts that got me choked up, that i can admit. Although, even more so then just the book, every night after i put it down, i'd get lost in my own head. I dont believe im the young hyper-emotional kid i once used to be. Maybe she was right in saying that im somewhat level-headed. Maybe i truly am starting to find my own feet. Maybe it really is time for me to grow up in a few other ways. I have to stop spending money like its going out of style. I have to better myself not only to fix my health, my image of myself, but also to kind of make myself something thats worth being with physically, and not just emotionally.
One more thing, i noticed the other day one of the most significant ways that Athena stands out to me, and maybe its more of a testament to the way im actually feeling about our relationship. I have never, or at least to the best of my memory, remember ever being scared of breaking up. As horribly narcissistic as this may sound [and ive been known to be at least cocky a few times], i've never been scared that someone would leave me because i always thought of myself as being a "catch" enough that i wouldnt be worth leaving. NOW deep breaths off of how horrible that sounded, keeping in mind that is NOT AT ALL how i normally function. But that time of mindset is a product of a few broken aspects of myself, thinking like that is how i learned to cope with relationships in order tip-toe around subjects like jealousy, or clinginess or whatever cliche word you'd like to use for disfunctionality. SO back to the topic [im horrible for tangents that i believe may help clarify certain things, when in reality they just make everything even further scewed] here is where Athena shines in brilliant light as being different.
I am literally, 100% scared that losing her would destroy me. Not that i believe she would just wake up one morning bored and leave, but more so i feel like this is so for keeps that i wouldnt even dare to chance anything that make shake this relationship. I even question normal things that a relationship does entail like jealousy, i know people get jealous, its human nature, although i dont believe at all that i have any reason for it. But once again maybe this is what makes this relationship the best i've ever had. Maybe its a combination of the idea of losing the girl that makes life worth living as well as the thought of losing my best friend.
It's crazy, i could write the definition on being able to say the difference between loving someone, and being in love with someone.
I love athena, and i am IN love with her. She rocks my world.
Welp. enough of this mushy schtuff. I'll have a new album posted soon. Promise.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Welcome to my head, My names Nathan.
Send out the morning birds, to sing of the damage...
[Goodbye Blues] The Hush Sound
The intro to this album has this erie, opera-istic piano beginning with the female singer expressing a melody that seems as though its purpose is to lure people into the album much like a sirens song to men. One thing i have to note in continuity to the the Hush Sounds previous albums is the jazz-rock sound that they seem to divulge so effortlessly. "Honey" seems like the type of song that would completely rope you in if you were to see these guys play live, its got that give and take type sound that speeds up and slows down in combination with a few jazzy guitar riffs. "Medicine Man" has a perfect ball room jazz sound that would make dancing to it almost natural. "Hurricane" is an absolutely beautiful song. Whenever i hear this song i picture a house buried away in a forest with one of those green canopies that play hide and seek with beams of light. I picture this house to have a few acres of field that welcome the sunrise every morning. I also picture this house to have a tin roof which, in times of rain, amplify the sound of the drops gracing the sheets of metal with its presence. Books, fireplaces, blankets, tea and a piano which reverberates through each wall, giving the house a welcoming gentle presence. Yeah i know, when i listen to music, i go off in my own head and come up with make-believe places such as this. This cd roughly presents the first half being strictly the female singer, the song that introduces the male singer ("As you cry") of the band has its typical simple, but eloquent lyrical progression but at the same time has one of its quirky little "take that" type of sounds. Overall, i guess id give this album about a 6.5. It's not so much that this cd is sub-par, its more so that i guess i stacked it up pretty high against their old albums and i didn't quite get what i wanted from it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Does this deafening silence mean nothing to no one but me?
[ A Lesson In Romantics]
So here’s the way I see it. Mayday parade is the equivalent to that girlfriend or boyfriend you wanted that one last cheap-shot on before you broke up. Songs like “When I get home you’re so dead” and “If you wanted a song written about you all you had to do was ask” instil that shameful bit of hatred you hold dear that you’ve wanted to unleash in the most demeaning way possible before you left someone. I guess the flagship that separates this band from every other “heartbreak and anger album” is their ability to rope in a fair bit of maturity in this subtle sense of post-relationship humiliation. Their clever way of lyrical progressions; “im taking all your memories off the you like your pictures facing down...take me home because this happens everytime, i knew it would...we all don’t need a home but just a place to sleep” make me think maybe they’re just lyrics that pull one of my heartstrings that i can relate with quite dearly, or maybe it’s one of those lines that flush out that emotion we can all recall having once upon a time ago. Instrumentally I guess this band doesn’t have much to offer than any other band does, but what I can compliment is their ability to time heavier chord progressions and quazi-talented breakdowns to heart-torn lines and lyrical pieces of art. I give this album a solid 7 out of 10, its catchy as shit.