Monday, October 20, 2008

Hi, My Names Nathan. Nice To Meet You

So i think, a small apartment, dim lights and maybe even a cliche amount of candles littered left-right and center to light the room. I think of stress, problems, work, bills, and maybe even the feeling of being a little lost. I think of second hand furniture, i think of the beauty in one bedroom apartments, i think of the cumbersome chore of paying rent.

... and then, as quickly as those thoughts enter my head they leave. They leave because you just entered the room. You drop your bag, you toss your keys on the table, you let out a sigh of relief because your finally home.

Ants in your pants plays in its low-quality way just loudly enough for you to hear it. I grab your hand, kiss your cheek and ask you to dance. I think of my heart smiling, i'll think its all been worth it.

So this, this is my introduction. I'd like to introduce myself to this feeling. This feeling of knowing im finished looking, im finished with feelings of hopelessness in thinking no one could understand my moods, my habits, or my understandings.

This isnt just love, its perfection. Its perfection with faults, scuffs and scratches. This is me saying that i love it the way it is, and this is what makes me happy. This is what keeps me interested and attentive.

So Hello, Nice to Meet You.